Our Mission

Because God so loves the world...

We REACH UP to God in worship and prayer.

We REACH IN to build community by teaching and developing whole hearted followers of Christ.

We REACH OUT to share the Good News of Jesus and serve all people with His unconditional love.

We Value


We Reach Up to God in authentic biblical worship, both corporately and individually, because He is mighty, and He alone is worthy of all praise. Worship leads believers to encounter God and draws those seeking God into a relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that the presence and work of the Holy Spirit is essential to our worship and leads us in all forms of worship, including music and the arts, preaching and teaching of the Bible, tithes and offerings, and prayer. Whatever the form, we worship for the glory of God and to exalt Jesus Christ.
Matthew 22:37; Psalm 29:2, Romans 15:6; Luke 4:8; 1 Corinthians 10:31



We Reach Up in Prayer by committing to build a church that is centered on and fueled by prayer. We understand that prayer is how we communicate our emotions and requests to God, and a way we seek guidance and wisdom from God. Prayer is powerful and leads to authentic life transformation and a supernatural movement of God.
John 14:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:15; Colossians 4:2; Romans 12:2



We Reach Out and We Reach In because God values people. We care for, honor, and serve individuals within the church and outside the church. All people need Jesus and all people need to be loved. We seek biblical community and build ministries that convey love, mercy and truth. We value justice, integrity, and humility in all interactions with others so that our love may lead them to encounter the truths of God’s grace and peace.
Micah 6:8; Romans 12:9-16; Colossians 2:2; John 13:35



We Reach Out and We Reach In by valuing strong biblical teachings through individual study, small groups, and corporate worship services. We value the life transformation that comes from the study of God’s word and understand that obedience to Christ’s call to follow includes discipleship. Biblical teaching must be rooted in scripture, with sound theology, and spirit-led, which provides the foundation needed for growing and living out our faith.
Matthew 28:20; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-9



We Reach Out by understanding that God has commissioned His followers to tell others locally, nationally, and globally the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We let our light shine before others, seeking to remove barriers and to love one another so that everyone will know that we are ambassadors of Jesus. As a missional church we are committed to train, mobilize, and motivate followers of Jesus to serve and care for people while going out into all the world to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We go as witnesses, missionaries, ministers, and church planters until all the world knows of Jesus.

Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 10:13-15, Romans 10:17; Isaiah 6:8