Preschool & Children

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

We offer groups for all ages groups, preschool to 5th grade. Your child will learn God’s word through age appropriate Bible teaching and activities. 

Preschool & Children's Ministry Purpose Statement:

Sharing a common partnership and responsibility with parents to intentionally develop their child's spiritual growth through Biblical teachings, and to lead each child to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Wednesday Nights at 6:15pm

AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) is a Bible based Children's program that teaches God's Word in a fun and exciting way through themed activities, recreation, mission projects and Bible memorization. 

  • Cubbies: (3-5 years) will enjoy learning through music, games and Bible stories.
  • Sparks ( K5-2nd grade) will hear about real people and real events of the Bible, through Bible "biographies." 
  • Truth & Training (3rd-5th grade) will learn Bible Scripture and have Biblical discussions to make life applications. 

This program runs September thru May, every Wednesday Night

6:15pm to 7:35pm

Children MUST be 3 years old by September 1, 2024

Online Registration is Open! CLICK HERE to Register


Parent's Night Out

Friday, April 4th

Parents - Enjoy a night out while we watch your children! 

We will provide pizza dinner with dessert, crafts, games & a movie!

Who: Children 3 years - 5th Grade

(Younger children must be fully independent)

When: Friday, April 4th from 6-10pm

Cost: $25 per family

Must be Registered & Paid by April 3rd

CLICK HERE to Register!

Summer Camps for Kids!

This Summer, we have FOUR Camps that your Kids will love including Journey Camp, Vacation Bible School, Super Summer Singing Funner & Wonder Junction!

Space is limited! Sign Up today!

Neptune Baptist WEE School

W.E.E. School is for children ages 6 weeks - VPK. Currently taking application for full-time, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Our W.E.E. School program uses Weekday Early Education Curriculum Guides (W.E.E. Learn) as the basis for teaching. Our teachers enhance this material with other resources and their previous experiences, providing quality care, education and development for each child to reach their greatest potential spiritually, mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. (Luke 2:52)

For Admission and Registration information, 

Call the Director

Sara Vigoureux at 249-0305