Journey Camp
June 9th - 13th
Let's take a Journey and explore God's creation together! Bring your lunch as we visit places like the Alligator Farm, the Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, the Movies & a few other places, TBA.
Ages: 1st-5th Grade
Vacation Bible School
June 23rd - 27th
It's Time for Vacation Bible School!
LifeWay presents Magnified! Kids will be encouraged to look closely at the details of God's amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all of His promises to us. We can praise Him together! We were made to magnify God!
Ages: 3 to Completed 5th Grade
(Must be 3 years old by 9/1/2024)
Cost: $25 per child (includes a t-shirt)
Super Summer Singing Funner
July 7th - 11th
Summer is a great time to learn acting, singing, and dancing!
Super Summer Singing Funner is a Musical Theater Camp that offers an immersive experience for kids allowing them to shine on the stage while sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
During five-day intensive, your child will learn the values of teamwork, as they put together a production, from start to finish, that will share the Good News of Jesus Christ to our community. In addition to the daily, morning theater practices, your child will participate in off-campus activities each afternoon such as bowling, the movies, pottery making, trampoline parks and a water day.
*PLEASE NOTE The production will be on Sunday, July 13th during our 11AM service at Neptune Baptist Church
Ages: 1st-5th Grade
Wonder Junction Camp
July 21st - 25th
Wonder Junction is an Old West VBS adventure, teaching kids about who Jesus is as they marvel at his birth, his childhood, his ministry, his death and resurrection and his coming return. Your child's day will include story time, music, recreation, experiments and crafts that will all highlight the theme of the day.
Ages: 1st-5th Grade
Cost includes: all on-campus activities & experiments, (1) off-campus activity on Friday, TBA, and lunches for the week.